"It doesn't matter what denomination you are in, and it doesn't matter if your denomination claims that it isn't a denomination. Every church is part of a denomination, even the "non-denominational" ones and the so-called independent autonomous ones, because independent autonomous churches are loosely associated with others of similar doctrine, and thus fit the definition of a denomination. They can all be traced back to the catholic church, even baptists and the so-called restorationist churches, and so they are all the whore's offspring. No matter what church you are in, rest assured that it preaches at least one or another false doctrine. They all have some truth, but they all also have some falsehoods mixed in. The only church that matters is the Church that consists of those who worship God in spirit and in truth, no matter what denomination they may be affiliated with. This truth is not what some committee, creed, headquarters, or man decides to be truth, but what the Holy Spirit reveals to the believer through the word of God and also through direct revelation. Of course, everyone interprets the word of God a little bit differently, but that is fine, because the Father seeks those who worship him in spirit and in truth. Everyone's truth may be a little bit different, but as long as you truly believe what you say you believe, and love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, that is all that matters. The Holy Spirit will reveal more truth to you in God's time, as only he can tell if you are ready to receive a certain truth or not. Everyone is at a different level in their pursuit of truth. However, you must not ever close your heart and your mind to further revelations of truth, because if you have closed your eyes believing that what you have already is all the truth there is and that everything you believe is correct, then the Holy Spirit will not reveal any more truth to you, and you will persist in your error. Your pride in having knowledge of truth will not allow any further truth to be revealed to you. All denominations are wrong about something, and every individual believer is wrong about something as well. No human being is capable of receiving all spiritual truth in this earthly life, and the absence of the totality of all truth assures that there will be some degree of error in our beliefs. You can have 99% of the light, but there will still be 1% darkness. To assume that any further truth you receive will only add to the supposed truth you already have is foolishness. Open your mind to the possibility of error, and humble yourself, and then the Holy Spirit will be able to reveal more truth to you."