Things I Think Will Happen Next Year
Sales of Mayan Calendars up for 2012, drop for 2013.
Martial Law in the USA, first probably in Louisiana
Depression greater than that of the 30’S
More wars for Israel, our rulers. Probably Syria soon.
War with Iran (!) for Israel may trigger WW3 conflict with Russia
World Supply of Band Names will run out
Americans will go along with this, but resisters will be FEMA camped.
America the one I loved, the one my dad fought for on Omaha Beach on D-DAY, the man who helped take out the machine guns on the cliff, won’t be alive to see young men wearing uniforms and BE the enemy he fought.
Fascism will be America. It already is. Simple definition: When government rules over corporations, that’s socialism. When corporations use government that, my friends, is fascism.
Foreign troops may likely be used in popular insurrections.
Snooki will have another “book”.
Stuff I Would Like to Have Seen In My Life
Truth about 9-11. THREE buildings went down that day. Building 7 wasn’t even hit.
Indians winning a World Series (OK, not so bad since my Jays won two in a row!)
Browns winning a Super Bowl
Truth about the JFK murder
Young people mobilizing for change instead of watching E!
USA not being Israel’s puppet bully.